
Via Dolorosa Tenner


"At the cross her station keeping, Stood the mournful Mother weeping, Close to Jesus to the last.." — First verse of the Stabat Mater Dolorosa.

This tenner is dedicated to the Crucifixion of Our Lord and Our Lady's sorrowful journey. This journey starts with the Pater bead, the markings represent the clear sky that is now filling with clouds..then the first three Aves represent the blood red moon that took place at the time of Our Lord's death. The first Ave is the normal moon, the second Ave the moon is starting to eclipse and the third Ave, a full blood red moon. Then there is the ten Aves, a stunning duck egg blue, streaked with veins of red, that look like blood, they represent Our Lady's sorrowful journey, ending with the medal with Our Lady and St John standing at the foot of the Crucified Lord.

The following vintage reproduction pieces are hand cast in solid bronze from antique originals:
Crucifix Irish Penal Crucifix. " or cms (size to come)
Rosary Centre Sorrowful Mother/Jesus Crowned with Thorns. " or cms (size to come)
Medal Faithful Companions of Jesus " or  cms (size to come)
Pater bead Impression Jasper, oval bead (size to come)
First three Aves Mookaite gemstones in 8mm
Ten Aves Impression Jasper in 8mm
Construction Fumed natural brass jump rings and 19gauge wire. This tenner is held together by six 'connectors' made from Red Tiger Eye gemstones in 4mm, making this tenner very strong and durable, can handle the roughest wear.

Irish Penal Crucifix Markings: 
Hammer = For the nails of the Cross, Ladder = Symbolizes the fact that the cross is the ladder by which we reach heaven, Halo = Crown of Thorns was not usually shown, Jug/Chalice = The Last Supper, Cords for Binding = Symbolize the Scourging at the Pillar, Spear = Piercing the side of Jesus, Crock & Pot = Symbolizing the early apocryphal legend relating to Judas the betrayer, The resting cock  = which suddenly came to life and crowed, thus prophesizing the resurrection, and Three Nails = Tools of the Crucifixion

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How I pray the Rosary on this style tenner (three extra Aves and a rosary centre):
I start with the‘I believe’ prayer is offered on the crucifix, then the first Our Father offered on the Pater bead, followed by the three Hail Marys on the first three Aves. The Glory Be is offered on the rosary centre. When the decade is recited, the Our Father is offered on the rosary centre, followed by the ten Hail Marys on the ten Ave beads, the Glory Be at the end of each decade is offered on the medal, you draw your hand back to the rosary centre for the next Our Father of the following decade. When the rosary comes to a completion, the Hail Holy Queen is offered on the medal.

How I pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet on this style tenner:
I use the first three Ave beads for the Our Father, Hail Mary and I Believe. Then the ‘Eternal Father’ prayer to start the decade is offered on the rosary centre, followed by the ten “For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion” prayers. At the end of each decade draw the hand back to the rosary centre again to recite the ‘Eternal Father’ prayer that starts the new decade. At the end of the fifth decade, I draw my hand back to the first of the three Aves to recite the final prayer that is offered three times. “Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”